中南美洲染HIV人數升 原民社區醫療量能不足

在南美洲秘魯北部San Fernando原住民社區,護理人員為HIV感染者量血壓、採血檢測,並進行藥物治療;身為患者同時也是原權倡議者的Julio Tapullima表示,過去要取得這樣的醫療服務,不是一件容易的事。

原權倡議者 Julio Tapullima:「I have been HIV positive for 30 years. I found out my status in the city of Lima because of the continuous fevers I had, but at that time there were no doctors or nurses trained to assist an HIV positive person.」


中南美及加勒比海原民愛滋病毒應對聯盟協調員 Fernando Chujutalli:「The reality of indigenous people living with HIV in the Peruvian Amazon is actually very painful. There is not even a single material made in the mother tongue about HIV. Comprehensive care for indigenous people living with HIV is needed. Ideally, they should be accompanied, accompanied by someone in health issues, sensitive to this issue.」


聯合國愛滋規劃署 區域主任 Luisa Cabal:「An increase of 9% in new HIV infections since 2010. We also know that there are many populations who are being left behind amongst them of course, key populations, men who have sex with men, transgender women, sex workers, but also migrants, indigenous communities and Afro descendants in Latin America who are showing in many contexts higher HIV prevalence than among the general population.」


聯合國愛滋規劃署 紐約辦事處主任 Cesar Nunez:「At the end of December 2023, 30.7 million people were accessing antiretroviral treatment that is 7.7 million up from 2010 but still short of the 34 million target that we have for 2025. In terms of new infections, they have been reduced by 60 percent since the peak in 1995 in 2023, 1.3 million people were newly infected with HIV compared to 3.3 million in 1995.」


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