資料來源:艾瑪·巴塔; 2019年6月7日;路透社;財團法人台灣紅絲帶基金會編譯
加拿大溫哥華(湯姆森路透基金會) –根據人權運動者所關心有越來越多的證據顯示虐待行為比想像中的更為普遍,– 在應對女性生殖器官割禮問題,應該成為像應對愛滋病毒/愛滋病一樣的是全球優先事項
美洲女性權利組織立即平等( Equality Now )的主任Shelby Quast說:「我們每天都得知有更多的暗袋,在其中這些事件正在發生」。
一些人權運動者也對上週末發布的一項醫學研究感到驚訝,該研究顯示沙烏地阿拉伯亦實行女性生殖器切割 – 而這並不是傳統上與該儀式有關聯的國家。
「我們知道它發生在每個大陸,但我們所缺乏的是好的數據」,Quast說。 「如果你不能計算數量,就很難獲得資金來終結它」。
英國反女性割禮慈善機構「蘭花」( British anti-FGM charity Orchid Orchid )估計,2018年至2021年期間,投入FGM議題的全球資金約為2億美元。
路透社健康訊息©2019- Medscape – 2019年六月五日。
World Leaders Urged to Make Female Circumcision a Priority Like HIV
By Emma Batha; June 07, 2019;
VANCOUVER, Canada (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Tackling female genital mutilation (FGM) should be made a global priority like HIV/AIDs, according to campaigners concerned about growing evidence that the abusive practice was more widespread than thought.
The ancient ritual, involving the partial or total removal of the external genitalia, can cause severe health problems. No one knows how many girls bleed to death or die later in life from related childbirth complications.
Some 200 million girls and women are impacted by FGM worldwide, according to U.N. data, but some activists said this was a “massive underestimate” as it ignored the true geographic spread of FGM and omitted children and older women.
The U.N. estimate is based on data from 30 countries, almost all in Africa, while campaigners at the Women Deliver conference in Canada said there were studies or anecdotal evidence showing FGM happened in more than 30 other countries.
“We’re learning every day that there are more pockets where this is happening,” said Shelby Quast, Americas director at women’s rights group Equality Now.
“Wherever there’s real pockets of conservatism, of patriarchy, we’re starting to see that this is yet another form of controlling women’s bodies and controlling women.”
Countries not taken into account in the U.N. data included Georgia, Russia, Oman, Sri Lanka, Iran, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore.
Earlier this year a woman from a strict white American Christian community in the state of Kentucky told the Thomson Reuters Foundation how she had undergone FGM as a child.
The story provoked a backlash from some Christians, but Quast said similar cases had come to light.
Some campaigners were also surprised by a medical study released at the weekend showing FGM was practiced in Saudi Arabia – not a country traditionally linked with the ritual.
“We know it happens on every continent, but what we don’t have is good data,” Quast said. “If you can’t count it, it’s very hard to get funding to end it.”
British anti-FGM charity Orchid estimated global funding for FGM was about $200 million for the period 2018 to 2021.
HIV by comparison – which affects about 37 million people – attracted $20 billion in funding in 2017.
“We don’t want to undermine the importance of the HIV movement, we want to learn from the HIV movement,” Orchid founder Julia Lalla-Maharajh told the Thomson Reuters Foundation at Women Deliver, the world’s largest gender equality conference.
Lalla-Maharajh said HIV – like FGM – was once a neglected and taboo issue with grassroots activists and survivors instrumental in galvanizing global action.
Campaigners called for data collection to be ramped up in order to fully assess the global scale of FGM and better target efforts to end it.
Quast said there was a particular gap in information from South America.
World leaders have pledged to end FGM by 2030 under global development goals agreed in 2015. Campaigners said better data would help hold governments accountable on their promises.
Reuters Health Information © 2019
Cite this: World Leaders Urged to Make Female Circumcision a Priority Like HIV – Medscape – Jun 05, 2019.