


在法國參加暴露前預防(PrEP)示範研究的1,628人中沒有新的愛滋病毒感染。巴黎狄德羅大學的Jean-Michel Molina在阿姆斯特丹第22屆國際愛滋大會上的新聞發布會上說,超過一半的參與者選擇按需要時服用PrEP,其餘的選擇每日服用,但兩者都同樣有效。


Molina在三年研究的第一年(從20175月開始)提供了數據。研究共招募了1,628人,其中幾乎所有人(98.8%)都是男男性接觸者,只有十二名異性戀男女以及八名變性者加入。大多數參與者都是三十歲或四十出頭 ; 約有一半以上的人沒有經常之性伴侶 ; 57%的人之前曾在Prévenir註冊之前使用過PrEP


選擇這兩種方式給藥的人的概況存在一些差異。那些選擇每日劑量的人往往有較多的性伴侶(過去3個月中有15個)和更多的無套性行為(過去4周中有3次),相對於選擇按需要給藥者(分別為102)。儘管該試驗已開放一年,但平均追蹤時間為7個月。 Molina分別在按需要和每日組中提供了506443人年的追蹤數據。結果兩組均無新感染。因此,按需要組的年發病率為095%信賴區間為0-0.7),每日組亦為095%信賴區間為0-0.8)。研究人員估計,到目前為止,在這一1,628人的世代中,已經避免了85例愛滋病毒感染。


有跡象顯示性行為發生了變化,在研究的第一年,雖然平均伴侶人數下降,但在過去四周中無套性行為則呈現增加,按需耍使用PrEP者其中位數為24 ; 而在每日PrEP用戶中則為三到六次。然而,由於只有不到十分之一的人,其參與研究之時間足以提供全年的數據,因此應謹慎解釋這些結果。






阿姆斯特丹PrEP項目(AmPrEP)的設置與此類似。 20158月至20183月期間,共有370名男同性戀者和兩名變性人參與,其中73%選擇每日PrEP27%選擇按需要服藥。正如之前報導的那樣,一個每天服用PrEP的人卻獲得HIV感染的情況實在是非常不尋常。

隨著荷蘭研究的有更長的追蹤時間,研究人員能夠提供有關人們在給藥方案間轉換之更有意義的數據。在服用PrEP的前兩年,49%開始按需要服用的人和20%開始每日服藥的人至少換過一次(有些人來回轉換)。年輕人更容易轉換 ; 有很多性行為的人更有可能從按需要服用藥物方式中轉離。



On-demand dosing as effective as daily dosing in first year of French PrEP study


Roger Pebody

Published: 24 July 2018

There have been no new HIV infections in the 1628 people taking part in a demonstration study of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in France. Over half of participants chose to use on-demand dosing for PrEP, with the rest opting for daily dosing, but both have been equally effective, Jean-Michel Molina of the University of Paris Diderot told a press conference at the 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) in Amsterdam today.

The ‘Prévenir’ (prevent) study is gathering data on the best ways to deliver PrEP in Île-de-France, which is the region of Paris and its suburbs. The researchers hope to show that having an extra 3000 people take PrEP will result in a marked fall in HIV diagnoses among men who have sex with men in the region.

Molina presented data on the first year (from May 2017) of the three-year study. A total of 1628 people have enrolled, almost all of whom (98.8%) are men who have sex with men. Twelve heterosexual men and women as well as eight transgender people have enrolled.

Most participants are in their thirties or early forties; just over half do not have any regular sex partners; and 57% had previously used PrEP before enrolling in Prévenir.

Participants can choose whether to follow the on-demand dosing schedule (sometimes referred to as ‘event-driven’ or ‘event-based’ dosing) that was validated in the IPERGAY study, or to use daily dosing, which is more commonly used in other parts of the world. On-demand dosing involves taking a double dose of PrEP (two pills) from 2-24 hours before anticipated sex, and then, if sex happens, additional pills 24 hours and 48 hours after the double dose. In the event of sex on several days in a row, one pill should be taken each day until 48 hours after the last sexual intercourse.

At enrolment, on-demand dosing was chosen by 54.6% and daily by 45.4%. The number choosing on-demand is much higher than in the Belgian and Dutch studies, reported below.

There were some differences in the profiles of those choosing the two options. Those choosing daily dosing tended to have had more sexual partners (15 in the past three months) and more condomless sex (three times in the past four weeks) than those choosing on-demand dosing (ten and two, respectively).

Although the trial has been open for a year, the average (mean) period of follow-up is seven months. Molina presented data on 506 and 443 person-years of follow-up in the on-demand and daily groups, respectively.

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