資料來源:卡羅琳 . 克里斯特 / 2022年8月16日 / Medscape / 財團法人台灣紅絲帶基金會編譯
2022 年 8 月 15 日——根據《剌胳針》(The Lancet) 的一份新病例報告,已經在一隻寵物狗身上確認了猴痘病毒,而且很可能是從攜帶該病毒的主人那裡傳播的。
到目前為止,理論上認為任何哺乳動物都有可能感染病毒並將其傳播給其他哺乳動物。 6 月,疾病預防控制中心發佈建議,建議患有猴痘的人在康復之前避免與寵物接觸。
在這份報告中,兩名法國男子感染了猴痘,在出現症狀後,他們就小心翼翼地將他們的狗與其他寵物和人類隔離開來。但是狗繼續睡在他們的床上。兩週後,這只 4 歲的灰狗出現了猴痘常見的腫塊,並且病毒檢測呈陽性。
對這隻狗和其中一位主人的猴痘樣本進行的 DNA 分析顯示,它們具有 100% 的序列同源性,這意味著它們幾乎肯定是有關聯的。兩個樣本都含有來自 hMPXV-1 進化枝 B.1 譜系的病毒,該亞型自 4 月以來一直在美國和歐洲傳播。在個案居住的巴黎,該菌株已感染 1,700 多人。
他們寫道:「鑑於狗的皮膚和黏膜損傷,以及來自肛門和口腔拭子的猴痘病毒 PCR 陽性結果,我們假設係一種真正的犬類疾病,而不僅是透過與人類密切接觸或空氣傳播而簡單地攜帶病毒」,他們寫道。
根據疾病預防控制中心的建議,「受感染的人不應該照顧暴露的寵物」。 「患猴痘的人應避免與暴露的動物密切接觸,並在可能的情況下請其他家庭成員照顧動物,直到患猴痘的人完全康復」。
根據 CDC 的最新數據,89 個國家報告了超過 31,700 例猴痘病例,其中 82 個通常不報告該病毒的國家報告了31,400 例病例。美國報告了超過 11,000 例,其次是西班牙,超過 5,000 例,德國和英國各有近 3,000 例。
根據疾病預防控制中心的最新數據,在美國,紐約報告的病例數最多,超過 2,200 例。加利福尼亞州報告了近 2,000 人,其次是佛羅里達州,超過 1,000 人,喬汐亞州和德克薩斯州超過 800 人。
Monkeypox Confirmed in Pet Dog
Carolyn Crist / August 16, 2022 / Medscape
Aug. 15, 2022 – The monkeypox virus has been confirmed in a pet dog, and it most likely spread from owners who had the virus, according to a new case report in The Lancet.
Before now, health experts hadn’t known whether pets can catch the virus. Although it spreads from animals to humans and has been found in wild animals, there haven’t been documented cases of human-to-animal spread in pets.
As of now, the theory is that any mammal can potentially catch and spread the virus to other mammals. In June, the CDC issued recommendations for people with monkeypox to avoid contact with their pets until they recover.
In this report, two men in France got monkeypox and were careful to isolate their dog from other pets and humans as soon as their symptoms started. But the dog continued to sleep in their bed. Two weeks later, the 4-year-old greyhound had the bumps typically seen with monkeypox and tested positive for the virus.
DNA analysis of monkeypox samples from the dog and one of the owners showed a 100% sequence homology, which means they were almost certainly connected. Both samples contained virus from the hMPXV-1 clade, lineage B.1, which is the subtype that has been spreading across the U.S. and Europe since April. In Paris, where the owners live, the strain has infected more than 1,700 people.
“To the best of our knowledge, the kinetics of symptom onset in both patients and, subsequently, in their dog suggest human-to-dog transmission of monkeypox virus,” the case report authors wrote.
“Given the dog’s skin and mucosal lesions as well as the positive monkeypox virus PCR results from anal and oral swabs, we hypothesize a real canine disease, not a simple carriage of the virus by close contact with humans or airborne transmission,” they wrote.
This means that monkeypox in pets should be treated as a potentially serious disease, they concluded, stressing the importance of isolating animals when a human becomes infected.
“Infected people should not take care of exposed pets,” according to the CDC recommendations. “The person with monkeypox should avoid close contact with the exposed animal, and when possible, ask another household member to care for the animal until the person with monkeypox is fully recovered.”
If owners must care for their pets while isolating at home, they should wash their hands and use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after caring for the pets, the CDC says. People with monkeypox should also cover their skin rashes and lesions with long sleeves, long pants, and gloves and wear a well-fitting mask while caring for their pets. But owners shouldn’t put a mask on their pets.
Owners who become infected should also make sure that their pets can’t accidentally come into contact with contaminated items in the home, such as clothing, sheets, and towels that have been used by the person with monkeypox. Food, toys, and pet bedding also shouldn’t encounter an uncovered rash or skin lesions.
The CDC noted that owners shouldn’t surrender, euthanize, or abandon their pets due to potential exposure. Owners also shouldn’t wipe or bathe their pets with chemical disinfectants, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or other products such as hand sanitizer, counter-cleaning wipes, or other surface cleaners.
Although scientists don’t know all the symptoms of monkeypox infection in pets, owners should watch for potential signs of illness, including lack of energy or appetite, coughing, a runny or crusty nose, bloating, fever, bumps, and blister-like skin rashes. Owners can get their pet tested if the animal gets symptoms and has had close contact with a person who has a probable or confirmed monkeypox case.
More than 31,700 monkeypox cases have been reported in 89 countries, including 31,400 cases in 82 countries that don’t typically report the virus, according to the latest CDC data. The U.S. has reported more than 11,000 cases, followed by Spain with more than 5,000 cases and Germany and the U.K. with nearly 3,000 cases each.
In the U.S., New York has reported the highest number of cases, with more than 2,200, according to the latest CDC data. California has reported nearly 2,000, followed by Florida with more than 1,000 and Georgia and Texas with more than 800.