
資料來源:Pauline Anderson / 2023 6 21 / Medscape 醫學新聞 / 財團法人



在允許使用娛樂性大麻的州法律通過後,21 歲以下人群的酗酒現象有所減少,但 31 歲及以上人群的酗酒現象有所增加。




該研究納入了 817,359 12 歲及以上的人,他們參加了 2008-2019 年全國藥物使用和健康調查 (NSDUH),這是一項針對美國人口的全國代表性調查。



在所有州,12 歲年齡段的某些年齡段的上個月酗酒報告大幅下降,從 2008 年的 17.5%95% CI16.9 18.2)下降到 2019 年的 11.1%10.4 11.8)。 20 歲的人群中,這一比例從 43.7%42.4 44.9)下降至 40.2%39.1 41.1)。

無論大麻法律如何,所有州 31 歲及以上人群的酗酒現象總體上有所增加。 增幅最大的是 31-40 歲人群(從 28.1% [95% CI, 26.6 29.6] 33.3% [32.1 34.6]),其次是 51 歲及以上的參與者(從 13.3% [95% CI, 12.2 14.4] 16.8% [15.8-17.7])。


研究人員寫道:「我們的研究結果支持加強醫療保健提供者與老年人討論飲酒問題的呼籲」,特別是在 RCL已實施之州。


這項研究是由紐約市哥倫比亞大學梅爾曼公共衛生學院流行病學系的 Priscila Dib Gonçalves 博士及其同事進行的。 它發表在《國際毒品政策雜誌》上。


與酒精相關的措施(包括酗酒)是自我報告的,這可能會導致回憶偏差和漏報。 NSDUH 的酗酒措施並未根據 2008 年至 2014 年的性別差異進行調整,這可能導致 2015 年之前女性酗酒情況的漏報。研究人員並沒有審查大麻政策條款,例如種植限制、價格控制、徵收的稅收和 消費限制。

披露:該研究得到了美國國家衛生研究院、國家藥物濫用研究所、國家傷害預防和控制中心以及疾病控制和預防中心的支持。 作者報告沒有相關利益衝突。

引用此內容:新的大麻法與更高的酗酒率有關 – Medscape – 2023 6 21 日。

New Cannabis Laws Tied to Higher Binge Drinking Rates

Pauline Anderson / June 21, 2023 / Medscape Medical News


After passage of state laws that allow recreational cannabis use, binge drinking declined among those younger than 21 but increased among those aged 31 and older.


Among adolescents, binge drinking, defined as having five or more drinks for men and four or more drinks for women at one time, is associated with poor academic performance, sexual risk, and injury in the short term, as well as the development of alcohol use disorder and academic disengagement in the long term.

Current evidence regarding the association between recreational cannabis laws (RCLs) and binge drinking is limited.

States in which RCLs have been implemented include Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon, Nevada, California, Massachusetts, and Vermont, as well as the District of Columbia.

The study included 817,359 people aged 12 and older who participated in the 2008–2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), a nationally representative survey of the US population.


Overall, states that have not enacted cannabis laws showed consistently lower rates of binge drinking over time among all age groups.

In all states, there were substantial declines in reporting of past-month binge drinking in some age groups ― from 17.5% (95% CI, 16.9 – 18.2) in 2008 to 11.1% (10.4 – 11.8) in 2019 among those aged 12–20 and a drop from 43.7% (42.4 – 44.9) to 40.2% (39.1 – 41.1) among those aged 21–30.

There were overall increases in binge drinking in all states regardless of cannabis laws among individuals aged 31 and older. The most extensive increases were among people aged 31– 40 (from 28.1% [95% CI, 26.6 – 29.6] to 33.3% [32.1 – 34.6]), followed by participants aged 51 and over (from 13.3% [95% CI, 12.2 – 14.4] to 16.8% [15.8-17.7]).


“Our findings support calls to reinforce healthcare providers’ discussions about alcohol use with older adults,” particularly in RCL states, the researchers write.


The study was conducted out by Priscila Dib Gonçalves, PhD, Department of Epidemiology, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York City, and colleagues. It was published in the International Journal of Drug Policy.


Alcohol-related measures, including binge drinking, were self-reported, which may introduce recall bias and underreporting. NSDUH binge drinking measures were not adjusted for sex differences from 2008 to 2014, which may result in underreporting of binge drinking in females before 2015. The researchers did not examine cannabis policy provisions, such as cultivation restrictions, pricing control, the tax imposed, and consumption restrictions.


The study received support from the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The authors report no relevant conflicts of interest.

Cite this: New Cannabis Laws Tied to Higher Binge Drinking Rates – Medscape – Jun 21, 2023.

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