

資料來源:aidsmap news, Kirby Institute,  Australia’s  Global University, Monday, 24 September 2018


「我們應該對這些結果感到非常滿意」柯比研究所監測、評估和研究計畫的負責人Rebecca Guy教授說。「雖然下跌幅度相對較小,但近年來隨著檢測率的提高和國家預防策略的強化所呈現下降的趨勢,意味著我們可以對這些的降低持審慎樂觀之態度。」
男同性戀和雙性戀男性繼續代表著澳大利亞新診斷愛滋病毒感染比例最高的族群,幾乎佔所有感染的三分之二。 「今年報告中的一些令人鼓舞的消息是,我們看到這一族群的愛滋病毒診斷減少最多,在過去一年裡的診斷中減少了15%」,蓋伊教授說。
「這種下降是個好消息,但還有很多工作要做。 PrEP提供了一個驅使將愛滋病毒降低至低水平的機會,但它需要覆蓋至所有可從中受益的每個人身上。特別是我們需要改善居住在市中心地區以外的男同性戀和雙性戀男性、海外出生的男同性戀和雙性戀男性,以及原住民或託雷斯海峽島民中的同性戀和雙性戀男子。」

然而,這其中並不都是好消息。根據該報告,在2017年有四分之一的新診斷愛滋病毒感染是在異性戀者中發現,在過去五年的診斷中則增加了10%。「異性戀者此一數據很值得關心,這些人口中幾乎有一半人的診斷是延遲的,這意味著這些人已經感染愛滋病毒達四年或更長時間了。」蓋伊教授說, 「這些數據強調異性戀者當中愛滋病毒檢測的重要性」。

「在原住民和托雷斯海峽島民中,過去五年來愛滋病毒的診斷一直在增加中,2017年其比率幾乎是澳大利亞出生的非原住民人口的兩倍。原住民人口中沒有看到與非原住民人口中相同的下降趨勢,意味著差距可能會擴大,除非我們加大愛滋病預防工作上之努力,特別是目標重點著重於測試、治療和PrEP等針對社區的宣傳活動」,來自南澳大利亞健康與醫學研究所的James Ward副教授說。
該報告顯示,注射吸毒者和女性性工作者的愛滋病毒感染率非常低。 「澳大利亞非常幸運,在這些人群中的愛滋病毒感染率很低,而我們仍需要確保支持這些群體的健康計畫和服務是持續的,如針頭和注射器交換計畫和有效地針對性工作者的預防計畫」,蓋伊教授說。

今天於2018年澳大利亞愛滋病毒和愛滋病研討會發表之柯比研究所澳大利亞愛滋病毒年度監測報告之2017年增補報告,係延續著新南威爾斯大學健康社會研究中心2018年愛滋病毒的行為趨勢之年度補充報告。關於愛滋病毒、病毒性肝炎、性傳染疾病的完整年度監測報告,則將於2018111日起在柯比研究所(Kirby Institute)網站上提供,並在奧克蘭舉行的IUSTI亞太性健康大會上正式提出。




Darryl O’Donnell- 澳大利亞愛滋機構聯合會執行長


Aaron Cogle- 澳大利亞全國愛滋感染者協會執行長


HIV diagnoses hit seven year low : Australia’s  annual HIV figures released today

Kirby Institute,  Australias  Global University, Monday, 24 September 2018


• There were 963 new HIV diagnoses in Australia in 2017, representing a 7% decline over five years, and the lowest number of new diagnoses in seven years. The reductions were greatest among gay and bisexual men, with a 15% reduction in the past year alone.

• In contrast, the number of new HIV diagnoses increased by 10% among heterosexuals over the past five years, and HIV diagnosis rates remain almost two times higher in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations.


(SYDNEY, Monday 24 September 2018) Australia has recorded its lowest level of HIV diagnoses in seven years, according to a new report from the Kirby Institute at UNSW Sydney.

The report, released today at the Australasian HIV & AIDS Conference in Sydney, found that there were 963 new HIV diagnoses in 2017, the lowest number since 2010. Researchers are attributing the promising results to more people getting tested for HIV, more people living with HIV starting treatment which reduces the risk of HIV transmission to effectively zero, and an increased use of preexposure prophylaxis (or PrEP, an HIV prevention pill).

“We should be very pleased with these results,” said Professor Rebecca Guy, head of the Kirby Institute’s Surveillance, Evaluation and Research Program. “Although the declines are relatively small, the downward trend over recent years, alongside increased testing rates and enhanced national prevention strategies, mean we can be cautiously optimistic about these reductions.”

Gay and bisexual men continue to represent the highest proportion of new HIV diagnoses in Australia, accounting for almost two-thirds of all infections. “Some encouraging news from this year’s report is that we’re seeing the greatest reductions in HIV diagnoses in this population, with a 15% decrease in diagnoses in the past year,” said Professor Guy.

“This decline is good news, but there is much more work to be done. PrEP offers every opportunity to drive down HIV to low levels, but it needs to reach all people who could benefit from it. In particular we need to improve access for gay and bisexual men living outside of inner-city areas, gay and bisexual men born overseas and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander gay and bisexual men.”

The 2017 report also reveals the good news that Australia has met the 2020 UNAIDS global targets. In 2017, an estimated 74% of people living with HIV in Australia had a suppressed or undetectable viral load, which just exceeds the UNAIDS target of 73%. “This is a fantastic achievement for Australia, and reflects strengthened clinical and public health initiatives, and the leadership of people living with HIV,” said Professor Guy. “However, we have a long way to go to meet the 2030 target of 86%. This will only be achieved with enhanced responses and strong partnerships between community, government, research and clinical sectors.”

However, it is not all good news. According to the report, a quarter of new HIV diagnoses in 2017 were among heterosexuals, with a 10% increase in diagnoses over the past five years. “The figures among heterosexuals are concerning. Almost half the diagnoses in this population are late, which means that the person has been living with HIV for four or more years without knowing,” said Professor Guy. “These data highlight the importance of HIV testing among heterosexuals.”

Among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations, HIV diagnoses have been increasing over the past five years, with rates almost two times higher than the Australian-born non-Indigenous population in 2017. “The fact that Aboriginal populations are not seeing the same declines as the non-Indigenous population means the gap is likely to widen, unless we increase our efforts in HIV prevention, in particular, targeted campaigns for the community focussed on testing, treatment and PrEP,” said Associate Professor James Ward from the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.

The report shows very low rates of HIV among people who inject drugs and female sex workers. “Australia is very fortunate to have low HIV rates among these populations, and we need to ensure that health programs and services supporting these groups, such as needle and syringe programs and effective prevention programs targeting sex workers, are sustained,” Professor Guy said.


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