


資料來源:Michael Carter 2019715日;aidsmap news,財團法人台灣紅絲帶基金會編譯


根據發表在「性感染症」醫學雜誌上的一項研究顯示,因藥愛( chemsex )而尋求支持的男男性接觸者(MSM)是一個多元的群體,並且有一系列的行為造成他們的身體健康和心理社會福祉處於高風險中。在分析尋求Antidote(這是英國倫敦一項由專家提供服務以支持有藥物和/或酒精問題的LGBT族群)支持的男同性戀和雙性戀男性的需求後,該研究顯示,參與藥愛的男男性接觸者其愛滋病毒感染的盛行率很高(47%),許多是當前或在過去為注射藥癮者,並且自殺的想法很常見。但是,根據幾個社會人口學變項,包括年齡、種族和愛滋病毒感染狀況,所使用特定藥物及其相關的健康結果會有所不同。


「這項分析顯示…… Antidote服務的有藥愛相關藥物使用之男男性接觸者是高風險族群」,作者寫道。「服務應以整合型照護模式提供,無論是在單一屋簷下提供服務,還是透過在不同服務體系之間建立有效、快速的照護轉診途徑」。



研究人員比較了因藥愛問題尋求支持之男男性接觸者(使用甲氧麻黃酮,甲基安非他命,GBH / GBL)和使用其他藥物產生問題(例如古柯鹼,大麻,酒精)等個體的特徵。




對於使用藥愛藥物的患者相較於非使用藥愛藥物的患者,報告一種以上藥物問題的可能性超過三倍(aPR = 3.37; 95%信賴區間為2.88-3.94p <0.0005)。

甲氧麻黃酮是最常報告的藥物(71%),其次是GHB / GBL69%)和甲基安非他命(64%)。在非藥愛者當中,酒精(57%),古柯鹼(42%)和大麻(21%)是最常被引用的物質。







例如,較年輕和目前就業者與有問題的使用甲氧麻黃酮有關(p <0.0005),而年齡較大且為BAME(黑人、亞裔和少數族裔)與使用甲基安非他命有關(p <0.0005)。


當選擇GBH / GBL作為主要關注藥物的個案,其採注射方式施用或HIV陽性的可能性較小,但使用這種藥物則與自殺意念有關。

當針對有藥愛行為的HIV陽性個體的亞組進行分析時顯示,有47%的人將他們的HIV血清陽轉歸因於藥愛。一半的人表示他們的藥物使用在愛滋病毒診斷後升級,三分之一的人說他們在愛滋病毒診斷後開始使用藥物。大多數人接受抗反轉錄病毒藥物治療(85%),其中超過一半的人同意藥愛對抗反轉錄病毒藥物治療之順從性有負面影響。 HIV / HCV合併感染存在於11%的這些個體中。



Gay and bisexual men with problematic chemsex are a diverse group with significant sexual and psycho-social risks

Michael Carter15 July 2019

Men who have sex with men (MSM) seeking support because of chemsex are a diverse group and have a range of behaviours that pose a high risk to their physical health and psycho-social wellbeing, according to research published in Sexually Transmitted Infections. Analysing the needs of gay and bisexual men seeking support from Antidote (a specialist service supporting LGBT individuals with drug and/or alcohol issues in London), the study showed that MSM engaging in chemsex had a high prevalence of HIV (47%), that many were current or past injectors and that thoughts of suicide were common. But use of specific drugs and their associated health outcomes differed according to several demographic factors, including age, race and HIV infection status.

The authors believe their findings have important implications for the design of services to support MSM with chemsex issues.

“This analysis has shown…that Antidote’s chemsex-related drug use MSM population is one at high risk,” write the authors. “Services should be provided under a model of integrated care, whether providing services under a single roof, or through establishing effective, rapid care referral pathways between services.”

Chemsex has been identified as a major public health concern for gay men. But there are few data on the characteristics of men seeking support for problematic chemsex and this information is needed to shape appropriate and effective services.

Investigators from Antidote therefore designed a cross-sectional study involving approximately 2300 MSM who accessed their services between 2012 and 2018.  At the time of referral, individuals were asked to provide information about the drug/drugs which they were experiencing problems with, their HIV and HCV infection status and also about their drug-use and sexual risk behaviours. Demographic information was also obtained.

The investigators compared the characteristics of MSM seeking support for chemsex (use of mephedrone, methamphetamine, GBH/GBL) and individuals who were having problems with the use of other drugs (for example, cocaine, cannabis, alcohol).

Individuals reporting chemsex were then analysed according to which drug they used. A second analysis examined the characteristics and risk behaviours of HIV-positive men with problematic chemsex.

Half of HIV-positive individuals reporting chemsex attributed their HIV seroconversion to chemsex.

Overall, 93% of participants identified a primary drug of concern, of whom 88% were seeking support for a chemsex drug. Approximately a quarter identified one drug of concern, a third reported two drugs of concerns and almost half said they were concerned about the use of three of more drugs.

Men presenting for chemsex drugs were over three times more likely than those presenting for non-chemsex drugs to report problems with more than one drug (aPR = 3.37; 95% CI, 2.88-3.94, p < 0.0005).

Mephedrone was the most frequently reported drug (71%), followed by GHB/GBL (69%) and methamphetamine (64%). Among the non-chemsex service users, alcohol (57%), cocaine (42%) and cannabis (21%) were the most frequently cited substances.

Almost all the men identified as gay (95%), two-thirds were British and 84% were white. Most were employed (68%). The median age was 35 years.

Being younger (under 45 years), identifying as gay and black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) origin were all associated with chemsex drugs.

The majority of participants were HIV-negative (53%), of whom a third had used post-exposure prophylaxis in the previous year. Over half were current or past injecting drug users (53%) and most reported hazardous alcohol consumption (59%). Two-thirds reported a minimum of six sexual partners in the previous 90 days. Thoughts of suicide were reported by 15% of individuals.

Of the current injectors, 40% said they shared injecting equipment. Prevalence of HCV infection was 9%.

Chemsex was associated with being HIV-positive, intravenous drug use, using PEP and higher numbers of sexual partners.

Further analysis of men seeking support for chemsex showed that this was a highly diverse group and that demographic characteristics and risk behaviours differed according to the drug of concern.

For instance, being younger and employed was associated with problematic mephedrone use (p < 0.0005), while being older and BAME was associated with use of methamphetamine (p < 0.0005).

Individuals having problems with mephedrone were less likely to be HIV- or HCV-positive, to inject drugs or to report suicidal thoughts. However, mephedrone use was associated with problematic alcohol consumption. Selecting methamphetamine was associated with all the above characteristics except problematic alcohol use.

Individuals selecting GBH/GBL as the primary

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