研究顯示,運動對勃起功能障礙(Erectile dysfunction, ED)的療效與威而鋼一樣好
Courtney Southwick / 2023 年 10 月 23 日 / 新聞 / WebMD 健康新聞
根據對迄今為止有氧運動和勃起功能的最佳研究的最新分析,每週運動三次、每次至少 30 分鐘,在改善勃起功能方面與威而鋼和類似藥物一樣有效。
研究作者 Larry E. Miller 博士說:「這項研究為醫生和患者提供了明確推薦有氧運動作為 ED 管理一部分所需的證據」。
研究人員查閱了科學文獻,發現了 11 項隨機對照試驗——這是一種黃金標準的研究設計,參與者被隨機分配接受或不接受干預。在參與研究的 1,100 名男性中,600 人被分配到「實驗」組,通常每週運動 3 到 5 次、每次 30 到 60 分鐘,而 500 人被分配到沒有運動計畫的「對照組」。
研究人員發現,勃起功能障礙越嚴重,運動的幫助就越大。以 6 到 30 的標準評分,患有嚴重 ED 的男性進行運動後,勃起功能提高了 5 分。輕度和中度 ED 的患者分別改善了 2 分和 3 分。
研究作者指出,相較之下,磷酸二酯酶 5 抑制劑 (phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors)——如西地那非(sildenafil,威而鋼)或他達拉非(tadalafil,犀利士)——可以帶來 4 到 8 分的改善。而睪固酮 (testosterone) 替代療法可以帶來2分的改善。
「重要的是要認識到勃起功能障礙通常可以作為潛在心血管健康的指標或晴雨表」,邁阿密 Prime 研究所專門研究男性性健康的泌尿科醫生 Amy Pearlman 醫學博士說。
包括 Mehan 在內的一些醫生已經向勃起功能障礙 (ED) 患者推薦運動。
Larry E. Miller 博士,米勒科學顧問公司總裁兼創辦人,位於田納西州約翰遜城。
Rahul Mehan,醫學博士,東谷泌尿中心創始人; 首席醫療官,蓋維蒂,梅薩,亞利桑那州。
Amy Pearlman,醫學博士,邁阿密 Prime Institute 的泌尿科醫生,專門研究性和荷爾蒙健康。
引用此內容:對於 ED 來說,運動和威而鋼一樣好:研究 – Medscape – 2023 年 10 月 23 日。
Exercise as Good as Viagra for ED: Study
Courtney Southwick / October 23, 2023 / News / WebMD Health News
Exercising for at least 30 minutes three times a week can be just as effective as Viagra and similar medications at improving erectile function, according to a new analysis of the best research to date on aerobic exercise and erectile function.
The study, published this month in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, found that aerobic activities – such as walking or cycling – improved erectile function in all men with erectile dysfunction, regardless of body weight, overall health, or medication use. Men with the most severe erectile dysfunction saw the greatest benefit.
“This study provides physicians and patients the proof needed to definitively recommend aerobic activity as part of ED management,” said study author Larry E. Miller, PhD.
Doctors have long known that erectile function is linked to cardiovascular health, but there is limited high-quality evidence on the impact of exercise on the disorder.
The researchers scoured the scientific literature and found 11 randomized, controlled trials – a gold-standard study design where participants are randomly assigned to receive an intervention or not. Of the 1,100 men involved in the studies, 600 were assigned to “experimental” groups that typically exercised for 30 to 60 minutes, three to five times a week, while 500 were assigned to “control” groups with no exercise plan.
The worse the ED was, the more exercise helped, the researchers found. On a standardized scale of 6 to 30, men with severe ED who exercised reported a 5-point improvement in erectile function. Those with mild and moderate ED saw improvements of 2 and 3 points, respectively.
By comparison, phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors — like sildenafil (Viagra) or tadalafil (Cialis) – can lead to improvements of 4 to 8 points, the study authors note. And testosterone replacement therapy can lead to an improvement of 2 points.
“We were particularly impressed by the finding that men with more severe erectile dysfunction saw greater improvements with exercise, and these improvements were similar to those seen in men taking” drugs like Viagra, Miller said.
ED and Heart Health
Erectile dysfunction can often be traced to the same causes as cardiovascular disease, including inflammation, a narrowing of the arteries (endothelial dysfunction), or a hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).
“It’s important to recognize that erectile dysfunction can often serve as an indicator or barometer of underlying cardiovascular health,” said Amy Pearlman, MD, a urologist specializing in male sexual health at Prime Institute in Miami.
Pearlman was not involved in the study but thinks the results make sense. “It stands to reason that any intervention aimed at enhancing cardiovascular health may also have a positive impact on erectile health.”
But what was surprising was that aerobic exercise reduced symptoms on par with medications like Viagra, said urologist Rahul Mehan, MD, founder of East Valley Urology Center, in Mesa, AZ. (Mehan was also not involved in the study.)
While erectile dysfunction medications are generally affordable and accessible, some patients don’t want to take them or can’t tolerate the side effects. These can include “headache, heartburn, nausea, flushing, and pain in muscles, back, arms, or legs,” said Mehan. He adds, “Everyone can exercise.”
Some doctors, including Mehan, already recommend exercise to their patients with ED.
Now they can tell patients that it’s “a proven approach backed by high-quality data from randomized studies,” Miller said. “Exercise is low risk and affordable, making it an ideal first-line treatment option for erectile difficulties, especially for patients unwilling or unable to use medications.”
Larry E. Miller, PhD, president, founder, Miller Scientific Consulting, Johnson City, TN.
Rahul Mehan, MD, founder, East Valley Urology Center; chief medical officer, Geviti, Mesa, AZ.
Amy Pearlman, MD, urologist specializing in sexual and hormonal health, Prime Institute, Miami.
Cleveland Clinic: “Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors.”
The Journal of Sexual Health: “Effect of aerobic exercise on erectile function: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.”
Cite this: Exercise as Good as Viagra for ED: Study – Medscape – Oct 23, 2023.