

資料來源:Lorraine L. Janeczko,MPH / 2022 年 8 月 9 日 / Medscape / 財團法人台灣紅絲帶基金會編譯


Dr Sameer Vohra (薩米爾·沃拉博士)

伊利諾伊州衛生官員報告說,在厄巴納-香檳以北約 15 英里的農業社區 Rantoul 的一個日託中心工作的一名成年人的猴痘病毒 (MPV) 檢測呈陽性。該患者還有一位家庭醫療保健客戶。

伊利諾伊州公共衛生官員在 8 月 5 日的媒體簡報會上說,感染者正在隔離中,亦正在接受醫學監測,且情況良好,迄今為止還沒有其他本地病例報告。伊利諾伊州公共衛生部和香檳-厄巴納公共衛生區 (CUPHD) 正在調查此案。

「這裡的好消息是,有一種 MPV 疫苗,我們正在與疾病控制和預防中心以及聯邦政府合作,為受影響的個人提供疫苗」,伊利諾伊州衛生處之主任、醫學博士及法學博士的 Sameer Vohra,在簡報中說。「我們已經開始在全州範圍內給藥」。

「我們很高興,應我們的要求,食品和藥物管理局已授權 18 歲以下的任何人使用該疫苗,而在此過程中沒有跳過正常的環節。這意味著在今天任何獲得監護人批准的人都將可接種疫苗」,他說。


Julie A. Pryde (朱莉·A·普賴德)

Vohra 補充說,兒科醫生已經在對兒童及其家人進行測試和接種疫苗。並正在部署地方、州和聯邦資源,為受影響的家庭提供信息和資源,伊利諾伊州州長 J. B. Pritzker 的政府正在努力為受影響的家庭提供財政資源,以便他們可以安全隔離,而不必擔心失去收入或工作。

CUPHD 的管理員具公共衛生及社工碩士的 Julie A. Pryde 在簡報中指出,該地區在前一天了解到該病例,這是香檳縣的第三起猴痘病例。


Pryde 強調,猴痘不像 COVID-19 那樣容易傳播。



CUPHD 在新聞稿中提供了有關猴痘的更多信息和建議:

• 猴痘是一種正痘病毒,雖然罕見但可能很嚴重。

• 猴痘通常以流感樣症狀和淋巴結腫脹開始,然後是面部和身體出現皮疹。皮疹看起來像丘疹或水泡,可能出現在面部、口腔內和其他部位,包括手、腳、胸部、生殖器或肛門。大多數感染持續 2 到 4 週。

• 出現新的或無法解釋的皮疹、潰瘍或症狀,或曾接觸過病毒感染者的人,就應去看診就醫,並避免與任何人發生性關係或與任何人發生親密關係,直到他們就診。

• 如果一個人或其伴侶罹患有猴痘,他們應遵循其醫療提供者在治療和預防上的建議,避免與任何人發生性關係或與任何人發生親密關係,直到所有瘡都癒合或形成新的皮膚層。




































Monkeypox Found in Illinois Adult Working in Daycare and Home Healthcare

Lorraine L. Janeczko, MPH / August 09, 2022


Dr Sameer Vohra

An adult working at a daycare center in Rantoul, an agricultural community about 15 miles north of Urbana-Champaign, has tested positive for monkeypox virus (MPV), Illinois health officials report. The patient also had one home healthcare client.

The infected person is in isolation, being medically monitored, and is doing well, Illinois public health officials said in a media briefing on August 5, and no other local cases have been reported to date. The Illinois Department of Public Health and the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) are investigating the case.

“The good news here is that there’s a vaccine for MPV, and we are working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the federal government to secure vaccine for impacted individuals,” Sameer Vohra, MD, JD, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, said during the briefing. “We have already begun administering doses throughout the state.”

“We are pleased that at our request the Food and Drug Administration has authorized use of the vaccine for anyone under 18, without jumping through the normal hoops in this process. That means that anyone with their guardian’s approval will be vaccinated today,” he said.


Julie A. Pryde

Pediatricians were already testing and vaccinating children and their families, Vohra added. Local, state, and federal resources are being deployed to provide the affected families with information and resources, and Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker’s administration is working to provide financial resources for affected families so they can quarantine safely without worrying about losing income or work.

Julie A. Pryde, MSW, LSW, MPH, administrator for the CUPHD, noted in the briefing that the district had learned about the case the day before and that it’s the third monkeypox case in Champaign county.

Pryde said that the daycare center has been thoroughly cleaned and is open, and that the people who have been exposed do not need to quarantine, adding, “Anyone with even a tiny little suspicion, we will put them in isolation pending any type of results.”

Pryde stressed that monkeypox does not spread as easily as COVID-19.

“Monkeypox is not airborne. It is primarily spread through close skin-to-skin contact, but it can also be spread by droplets during prolonged close contact and through contact with items that may have been contaminated, such as towels or bedding,” she said.

“Monkeypox is not a sexually transmitted infection. It’s a virus, and viruses do not discriminate who they infect,” she added. 

The CUPHD has provided more information and advice about monkeypox in a press release:

•Monkeypox, an orthopoxvirus, is rare but potentially serious.

•Monkeypox typically begins with flu-like symptoms and lymph node swelling, followed by a rash on the face and body. The rash looks like pimples or blisters and may appear on the face, inside the mouth, and elsewhere, including the hands, feet, chest, genitals, or anus. Most infections last 2 to 4 weeks.

•People who develop a new or unexplained rash, sores, or symptoms, or have been exposed to someone with the virus, should see a healthcare provider and avoid sex or being intimate with anyone until their healthcare visit.

•If a person or their partner has monkeypox, they should follow their provider’s treatment and prevention recommendations and avoid sex or being intimate with anyone until all sores have healed or a fresh layer of skin has formed.




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