

資料來源:邁克爾·霍林代爾 / / 新聞中心 / 聯合國愛滋病規劃署日內瓦辦事處 / aidsmap news / 財團法人台灣紅絲帶基金會編譯


2022 4 13 日,日內瓦——在烏克蘭的戰爭導致數十萬HIV感染者和受HIV影響者賴以生存的衛生服務和後勤供應鏈遭到破壞及阻礙。烏克蘭有超過 25 萬人感染了HIV,如果無法獲得抗反轉錄病毒治療和預防服務,這將意味著一波死亡浪潮,並有可能導致烏克蘭愛滋病疫情捲土重來。社區主導的網絡對於維持救生服務至關重要,需要緊急擴大國際支持。

戰前提供HIV治療、預防和照護服務的 40 多家醫療機構現已關閉,其他地點的服務中斷程度也不同。截至 4 11 日,世界衛生組織 (WHO) 已核實烏克蘭境內的醫療設施遭到 100 多起襲擊,而該國境內的供應路線已陷入混亂。聯合國兒童基金會報告稱,對供水系統基礎設施的襲擊和停電導致估計有 140 萬人無法獲得用水,而另外 460 萬人只能獲得有限的用水。與此同時,世界銀行表示,預計烏克蘭經濟今年將萎縮 45%,對維持重要的健康和社會計畫構成可怕威脅。

美國總統愛滋病緊急救援計劃 (PEPFAR) 採購了超過 1,800 萬劑挽救生命的抗反轉錄病毒藥物於上週抵達利沃夫,目前正在與該國衛生部的公共衛生中心和 100% Life組織烏克蘭最大的HIV感染者組織一起合作分發。如果這些藥物能夠送到有需要的人手中,這些藥物就足以滿足所有接受一線治療的HIV感染者六個月的供應。這第一次付款是 PEPFAR 承諾為烏克蘭 12 個月的HIV治療需求所提供資金的一部分。聯合國愛滋病規劃署估計,戰爭爆發前烏克蘭有 26 萬人感染了HIV,其中 15.2 萬人每天服用HIV藥物。



「烏克蘭HIV感染者的情況令人絕望。我們正在努力向有需要的人提供藥品、食品和其他緊急援助,但這項工作很危險,志願工作者們正冒著生命危險」,the 100% Life Coordination Council 負責人 Dmytro Sherembey 說。「如果我們得不到更多幫助,我不確定我們還能持續多久,尤其是接觸到前線地區的人們」。

聯合國愛滋病規劃署已經發放了 20 萬美元的初始應急資金,用於解決HIV流行嚴重的七個城市(切爾尼戈夫、第聶伯羅、哈爾科夫、克里維里赫、基輔、敖德薩和波爾塔瓦)的緊急人道主義和計畫需求。並呼籲國際社會為在烏克蘭提供HIV服務的民間社會組織和被其他國家接收中的受HIV影響的難民提供額外的 242 萬美元,作為更廣泛的擴大規模的一部分。

聯合國愛滋病規劃署執行主任 Winnie Byanyima 說:「民間社會組織和HIV感染者和受HIV影響的社區是烏克蘭應對HIV的基石」。「他們迫切需要額外的財政和後勤支持,以確保HIV治療、照護和預防計畫的連續性。我們敦促所有捐助者參與這項至關重要的服務,以挽救生命並防止愛滋病在烏克蘭再次流行」。





透過世衛組織協助與製藥公司 ViiV Healthcare 達成協議,向接收大量烏克蘭難民的捷克、波蘭和其他歐盟國家捐贈HIV藥物。


Byanyima 女士重申了聯合國停止戰爭的呼籲。「最大的需要是和平」,Byanyima 女士說。「在烏克蘭的戰爭必須停止——現在。復甦需要結束這場戰爭。即使它結束了,也需要很多幫助。這場戰爭使感染HIV的烏克蘭人處於嚴重危險之中。由民間社會領導的HIV服務響應者網絡冒著生命危險拯救生命的他們需要一切可能的支持」。

烏克蘭愛滋病熱線電話:0800 500 451



聯合國HIV/愛滋病聯合規劃署 (UNAIDS) 領導並激勵世界實現其零新增HIV感染、零歧視和零愛滋病相關死亡的共同願景。聯合國愛滋病規劃署聯合 11 個聯合國組織的努力——聯合國難民署、聯合國兒童基金會、糧食署、聯合國開發計畫署、聯合國人口基金、聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦公室、聯合國婦女署、國際勞工組織、聯合國教科文組織、世界衛生組織和世界銀行——並與全球和國家合作夥伴密切合作,力爭到 2030 年達成永續發展目標的一部分亦即結束愛滋病流行。可訪問 以了解更多相關信息,並在 FacebookTwitterInstagram YouTube 上與我們聯繫。邁克爾·霍林代爾 / / 新聞中心 / 聯合國愛滋病規劃署日內瓦辦事處











UNAIDS warns that the war in Ukraine risks a humanitarian catastrophe for people living with and affected by HIV

Urgent call issued for a dramatic upscaling of international support for the heroic efforts of civil society-led networks to reach people with life-saving HIV treatment 

GENEVA, 13 April 2022—The war in Ukraine has resulted in the destruction and disruption of health services and logistical supply chains that hundreds of thousands of people living with and affected by HIV depend on for survival. More than a quarter of a million Ukrainians are living with HIV, and lack of access to antiretroviral therapy and prevention services would mean a wave of deaths and risks a resurgence of Ukraine’s AIDS pandemic. The community-led networks which are vital to maintaining life-saving services need an urgent upscaling of international support.  

More than 40 health facilities that offered HIV treatment, prevention and care services before the war are now closed and there are various levels of service disruption at other sites. By 11 April, the World Health Organization (WHO) had verified more than 100 attacks on health facilities in Ukraine, while supply routes within the country have been thrown into disarray. The United Nations Children’s Fund reports that attacks on water system infrastructure and power outages have left an estimated 1.4 million people without access to water, while another 4.6 million have only limited access. Meanwhile, the World Bank has said it expects Ukraine’s economy to shrink by 45% this year, posing a dire threat to the maintenance of vital health and social programmes. 

An initial delivery of more than 18 million doses of life-saving antiretroviral medicine procured by the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) that arrived in Lviv last week is now being distributed in partnership with the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and 100% Life, the largest organization of people living with HIV in Ukraine. If they can be delivered to those in need, the medicines are sufficient to cover a six-month supply for all people living with HIV on first-line treatment. This first tranche is part of PEPFAR’s commitment to fund 12-month HIV treatment needs in Ukraine. UNAIDS estimates that 260 000 people were living with HIV in Ukraine before the war broke out, 152 000 of whom were taking daily medication for HIV.  

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) is also providing emergency funding to ensure the continuity of life-saving HIV and tuberculosis services. 

Attention is now on ensuring that the life-saving HIV medicines reach all people in need in time. Civil society organizations are mounting a heroic effort to deliver vital medical supplies and HIV services to people living with and affected by HIV, including to vulnerable populations. They are reaching people in extraordinary challenging locations, despite the huge obstacles. But the civil society organizations on which this delivery and care system depends need further international support to be able to continue their work.  

“The situation for people living with HIV in Ukraine is desperate. We are trying to deliver medicines, food and other emergency assistance to people in need, but the work is dangerous and volunteers are putting their lives at risk,” said Dmytro Sherembey, Head of the 100% Life Coordination Council. “If we don’t get more help, I am not sure how much longer we can continue, especially reaching people in the front-line zones.” 

UNAIDS, which has released an initial US$ 200 000 in emergency funds to address urgent humanitarian and programme demands in seven cities that have large HIV epidemics (Chernihiv, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Kryvy Rih, Kyiv, Odesa and Poltava), has issued an urgent call to the international community for an additional US$ 2.42 million for civil society organizations providing HIV services in Ukraine and for those receiving refugees affected by HIV in other countries, as part of the wider upscaling needed.  

“Civil society organizations and communities of people living with and affected by HIV are the bedrock of the HIV response in Ukraine,” said Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “They urgently require additional financial and logistical support to ensure the continuity of HIV treatment, care and prevention programmes. We urge all donors to be part of enabling this vital service to save lives and prevent a resurgence of the AIDS pandemic in Ukraine.”  

It is only because Ukraine’s pioneering response to HIV has been a partnership between public and community-led provision that it has been able to continue to provide for people even through the horrors of war. But the civil society networks, on whose creativity and courage the HIV services depend, require a boost in international support to ensure continued operations at the level required.  

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