

詹姆斯·庫克 / 9 27 / BBC 新聞








該項目由蘇格蘭政府資助,預計將於明年夏天開業,最初三年將耗資 700 萬英鎊。

格拉斯哥酒精和藥物康復服務副醫療主任 Saket Priyadarshi 博士在會議上表示,該計畫將「減少對個人與藥物相關的傷害」,並為他們提供「治療、照護和康復的機會」。

圖片說明,Saket Priyadarshi 博士是格拉斯哥酒精和藥物康後服務的醫療主任


英國國民醫療服務體系(NHS)和格拉斯哥市議會的官員編寫的一份關於該設施的報告稱,該設施旨在解決「格拉斯哥市中心公共場所定期有約 400 500 人注射非法藥物」的問題。


本月早些時候,總檢察長 Dorothy Bain KC 向檢察官發布的指導意見指出,在此類案件中提起訴訟「不符合公共利益」。

格拉斯哥的非法藥物消費室將設在該市東端的亨特街,旁邊有一家診所,目前有 23 名長期藥癮者正在接受海洛因藥物處方。

33 歲的傑德 (Jade) 是東區的一名藥癮者,他形容這是一個「絕妙的主意」,將「帶來巨大的改變」。





Priyadarshi 博士表示,這是因為蘇格蘭反吸菸立法帶來的法律問題以及通風和過濾方面的技術挑戰。




該設施所在卡爾頓區的工黨議員塞西莉亞·奧隆 (Cecilia O’Lone) 在理事會會議上表示,社區對這些計畫有「一些擔憂」。


格拉斯哥健康與社會關懷合作夥伴關係首席官蘇珊娜·米勒 (Susanne Millar) 表示,參與將立即開始,初步社區會議定於週四舉行。




毒品死亡人數在 2020 年達到峰值,達到 1,339 人,然後在 2021 年略有下降,然後在 2022 年下降約五分之一,達到 1,051 人。




沃德女士表示,蘇格蘭民族黨呼籲威斯敏斯特修改 1971 年《濫用毒品法》,將持有毒品除罪化,這是在玩弄政治,但英國政府拒絕了這項舉措。






上週,毒品和酒精政策部長埃琳娜·惠特姆 (Elena Whitham) 向蘇格蘭議會表示,「向毒品宣戰的戰爭已經結束。沒有人獲勝,主要受害者不是有組織的犯罪分子,而是最貧窮和最弱勢的群體」。

「我們知道,蘇格蘭作為一個國家需要做一些不同的事情,在法律允許的範圍內,蘇格蘭警察局將成為其中的一部分,合作開展工作」,蘇格蘭警務處地方警務負責人馬爾科姆·格雷厄姆 (Dep Ch Con Malcolm Graham) 說道。








UK’s first consumption room for illegal drugs given go-ahead

James Cook / 27 September / BBC News

Image caption, Portugal’s consumption rooms embody the country’s ‘harm reduction’ approach to drugs


The UK’s first official consumption room for illegal drugs including heroin and cocaine has been approved by authorities in Glasgow.

The facility is backed by the Scottish government as a way to tackle the country’s drugs deaths crisis.

The pilot scheme will be based at a health centre in the east end of Glasgow.

It will see users take their own drugs under the supervision of trained health professionals.

Glasgow’s Integration Joint Board, which brings together NHS and council officials, ratified the plans at an online meeting on Wednesday morning.

It is hoped the project, funded by the Scottish government, will be opened by next summer – and will run for an initial three years at a total cost of £7m.

Dr Saket Priyadarshi, associate medical director of Glasgow alcohol and drug recovery services, told the gathering the project would “reduce drug-related harms” for individuals as well as providing them with “opportunities for treatment, care and recovery”.

Image caption,Dr Saket Priyadarshi is medical director of Glasgow alcohol and drug recovery services


A report on the facility prepared by officials from the NHS and Glasgow City Council said it aimed to tackle the problem of “approximately 400 to 500 people injecting drugs in public places in Glasgow city centre on a regular basis”.

The idea has been discussed for years but it is able to go ahead now after Scotland’s senior law officer said users would not be prosecuted for possessing illegal drugs while at the facility.

The guidance issued to prosecutors by Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC earlier this month stated that it would “not be in the public interest” to bring proceedings in such cases.

The Glasgow consumption room would be based at Hunter Street in the east end of the city alongside a clinic where 23 long-term drug users are currently prescribed pharmaceutical heroin.

Jade, 33, a drug user in the east end described it as a “brilliant idea” which would “make a massive, massive difference”.


She told BBC News that she had used heroin and cocaine to block out trauma from her past and had witnessed many loved ones dying as a result of drug addiction.

“My ex-partner died of drugs. My dad died. He was an addict. My sister passed away. A lot of my friends have passed away,” she said.

Users will be able to inject drugs at the Glasgow facility but a proposal for a room where they can smoke illegal substances has been removed from the original plans.

Dr Priyadarshi said that was because of the legal issues posed by Scottish anti-smoking legislation as well as technical challenges with ventilation and filtration.

“Maybe it’s something we can add to in due course as we move forward,” he said.

Media caption, This needle-strewn alley in Glasgow is where I inject drugs


Cecilia O’Lone, Labour councillor for the Calton ward where the facility is located, told the board meeting that there was “some concern” in the community about the plans.

“If we don’t take the community with us, it’s leaving it open to fail because it can be stigmatised,” she told the meeting.

Susanne Millar, chief officer of Glasgow’s Heath and Social Care Partnership, said engagement would begin immediately, with an initial community meeting scheduled for Thursday.

She promised “clear mechanisms for quickly sorting any issues that might arise”.

‘No single answer’

The consumption room is part of a wider move by the Scottish government to tackle a crisis which is claiming more lives per head than anywhere else in Europe.

Drugs deaths peaked at 1,339 in 2020 before falling slightly in 2021 and then dropping by about a fifth in 2022 to 1,051.

Since then preliminary figures suggest they have begun to creep up again.

The consumption room plan is supported by Scottish National Party, Labour and Liberal Democrat politicians but the UK Home Office insists “there is no safe way to take illegal drugs”.

That position is shared by Annemarie Ward, chief executive of the charity Faces and Voices of Recovery UK, which helped draft the Right to Recovery Bill tabled at Holyrood last year by the Scottish Conservatives.

Ms Ward said the SNP was playing politics by calling for Westminster to amend the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act to decriminalise possession of drugs, a move rejected by the UK government.

Instead, she said, the Scottish government should be focusing not just on harm reduction but also on treatment, prevention, dissuasion and reintegration of users into society.

“They are stoking a constitutional debate about independence, unfortunately, and that’s at the cost of people’s lives,” she said.

SNP ministers deny that is the case.


Image caption, A draft design of the facility has been submitted for consideration


Last week Elena Whitham, minister for drugs and alcohol policy, told the Scottish Parliament “the war on drugs is over. No-one won and the main casualties were not organised criminals but the poorest and most vulnerable.”

“We know that Scotland as a nation needs to do something different and, within the confines of the law, Police Scotland is going to be a part of that, working in partnership,” said Dep Ch Con Malcolm Graham, head of local policing at Police Scotland.

He insisted the force would continue to crack down on drug dealers but added that supply was only part of the problem.

“We need to tackle the demand and we also need to tackle the harm,” said Mr Graham, adding: “There is no single answer to this problem that our nation faces.”

Scottish Tory health spokesperson Dr Sandesh Gulhane said he was happy for the pilot to be considered as a range of measures to tackle drug deaths, but added the party still had “serious reservations about how effective drug consumption rooms will be in reality”.

The MSP said the facility should not be seen as a “silver bullet to tackle this crisis”.

He called for the government to back the Tory Right to Recovery Bill, which would enshrine in law access to treatment for those struggling with drug addiction.

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