克里申‧塞繆爾 / 2024 年 1 月 22 日 / aidsmap
結晶甲基安非他命。 尋找康復中心。 知識共享授權。
然而,與阿片類藥物不同的是,目前沒有批准的藥物可以幫助控制或減少冰毒的使用。雖然有證據支持使用米氮平 (mirtazapine) 和安非他酮 (bupropion) 等抗憂鬱藥物與納曲酮 (naltrexone) 聯合使用來減少甲基安非他命的使用,但這尚未成為一種廣泛的治療方法。
有一些證據顯示可以進行認知和行為介入,包括預防復發、應對技能治療、社會和環境變化以及獎勵禁慾期的激勵措施(通常是經濟上的)。雖然住院戒毒機構在初期取得了一些成功,但這往往無法長期持續。此外,許多現有的社區為基礎的介入措施,例如 12 步計畫,並不總是非常適合同性戀和雙性戀男性的特定需求,他們在長期使用方面有不同的模式。
自2014 年以來,洛杉磯的男同性戀和雙性戀男子被招募加入mSTUDY 世代。該世代包括感染愛滋病毒的男性和有感染愛滋病毒風險的男性,年齡介於18 至45 歲之間。在這項新在的分析中,報告了285 名參與者的數據,這些參與者報告了2014 年至2022 年間2,348 次研究訪問中至少一次使用冰毒的情況。結果由加州大學洛杉磯分校的Allison Rosen 博士及其同事發表在《藥物使用與成癮治療雜誌》上。
在一次或多次就診時報告使用過甲基安非他命的285 名男性中,平均年齡為33 歲,其中41% 是黑人,37% 是拉丁裔,16% 是白人,而7% 的人報告自己的種族為其他種族。大多數人在基準線時感染愛滋病毒(64%),並報告沒有接受藥物濫用治療(84%)。這些男性在平均 4.4 年的追蹤時間內平均進行了 8 次研究訪問。
在研究期間,觀察到類別之間有 2,063 次移動。這些舉措反映出冰毒的使用頻率變得越來越頻繁或越來越少。總體而言,男性在研究訪問之間保持相同的頻率類別是最常見的。一個例外是接受藥物濫用治療的男性,他們在上次就診時報告經常使用藥物。
當消除年齡、種族和愛滋病毒感染狀況的影響時,研究人員發現,與那些報告在就診時未接受物質使用治療的人相比,接受治療的男性從偶爾使用轉為不使用的可能性高出1.63 倍(95% 信賴區間:1.10-2.42),經常使用轉至偶爾使用的可能性高出4.25 倍。(95% CI:2.11-8.59)。
Rosen, AD et al. 在洛杉磯男男性行為者觀察世代中,目前藥物使用治療與未來減少甲基安非他命使用之間的關係。 《藥物使用與成癮治療雜誌》,157:209228,2024(開放取用)。
完整圖片來源:「冰毒成癮」。 圖片由查找復健中心提供。 可在 www.flickr.com/photos/findrehabcenters/41626348764/ 上獲取,並遵循知識共享許可 CC BY 2.0。
Substance use treatment effective in helping men reduce their use of crystal meth
Krishen Samuel / 22 January 2024 / aidsmap
Crystal methamphetamine. Find Rehab Centers. Creative Commons licence.
Any substance use treatment is better than none when it comes to reducing how often gay and bisexual men use methamphetamine (crystal meth), a study from Los Angeles has found. This study’s findings emphasise the importance of harm reduction over an abstinence-only approach to managing methamphetamine use.
Regular use of methamphetamine (crystal meth) over an extended period has been linked to numerous physical and mental health challenges, including heart disease, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, anxiety, paranoia, and the risk of death from overdose. While both methamphetamine use and overdose deaths have generally increased among Americans recently, gay and bisexual men – especially those living with HIV – report even more use of methamphetamine, often accompanying sex. Use is linked to poorer HIV treatment outcomes, likely due to poor treatment adherence, increased inflammation, and possible increased viral replication.
Ongoing methamphetamine use may include periods of heavy use, abstinence, and relapse. Among gay and bisexual men, use can be split into those who use frequently, or as often as daily, and those who use it more occasionally, mostly on weekends. Reducing usage likely results in reduced harms from taking the drug. Rather than viewing only extended abstinence as a worthy goal, reductions in use patterns over time may have important benefits and also be more achievable for most users.
However, unlike with opioids, there are currently no approved medications to assist with managing or reducing meth use. While there is evidence to support the use of antidepressants such as mirtazapine and bupropion, in conjunction with naltrexone, to reduce methamphetamine use, this is yet to become a widespread treatment approach.
There is some evidence for both cognitive and behavioural interventions, including relapse prevention, coping skills therapy, social and environmental changes, and incentives (often financial) to reward periods of abstinence. While residential drug rehabilitation settings see some success in the initial period, this is often not sustained long-term. Additionally, many existing community-based interventions, such as 12-step programmes, are not always well-suited to the specific needs of gay and bisexual men who have distinct patterns around chronic use.
Importantly, there is limited understanding of the long-term and changing methamphetamine use patterns among gay and bisexual men, and what effect substance use treatment has o