(財團法人台灣紅絲帶基金會編譯,資料來源:紐約時報,RONI CARYN RABIN報導 ,2010/10/18)
使用者都稱它們為poppers (註,發出啵聲的東西):一類稱為亞硝酸烷基酯的化學物質,可經由鼻腔吸入而達到一個快速的”high”,或增強性快感。現在法國的醫生們警告說,他們也可能會導致眼睛的損傷和視力受損。
註:亞硝酸異戊酯最初由伯勒斯•惠康製藥公司(現葛蘭素史克)和禮來公司生產時,是以小瓶安瓿裝瓶,折斷瓶頸後即可釋放揮發性氣體。因為折斷瓶頸時會發出「啵」的聲音(popping sound),這也是Poppers名字的由來(意即為「會發出啵聲的東西」)。
Vision: A Quick High for Sex May Damage Vision
By RONI CARYN RABIN ., Published: October 18, 2010
Users call them poppers: a class of chemicals called alkyl nitrites that can be inhaled for a quick high, or to enhance sexual pleasure. Now doctors in France are warning that they can also cause eye damage and impaired vision.
In a letter to The New England Journal of Medicine, the ophthalmologists describe four cases over three months in which patients’ vision was affected after they used poppers at parties. Several complained of seeing bright dots of light, and retinal imaging revealed damage to the photoreceptors in the fovea, part of the retina that is responsible for the sharp central vision needed for driving or reading.
Two of the patients’ vision returned to normal over time, though their retinas may still have sustained damage, the doctors said. In one, a 27-year-old woman, the impairment persisted for at least a month.
The damage may occur because nitric oxide affects photoreceptor function and metabolism, the doctors said.
And they warned that the problem was probably underreported. “We believe in fact that this complication is quite common,” one of the authors, Dr. Michel Paques, wrote in an e-mail, adding that the doctors have seen several more patients since the letter was accepted for publication. “Preliminary data indeed suggest that only a minority of consumers will show up at the ophthalmologist.”
There were no severe cases of vision loss, and in some cases the retinal damage was mild. Still, Dr. Paques said, “even a single dose of poppers may affect the retina.”