2023 年值得關注的美國州的墮胎立法
資料來源:2023 年 4 月 28 日 / 路透社健康信息
以下是2023 年已通過立法和懸而未決之各州在尋求限制或保護取得上的快照,包括本週在北達科他州生效的一項廣泛禁止墮胎的法律的詳細信息。
佛羅里達州:佛羅里達州州長羅恩·德桑蒂斯本月簽署了一項六週的墮胎禁令,其中包括強姦、亂倫、人口販賣以及母親的生命和健康等的例外情況下。 在州最高法院對目前實施的 15 週禁令的合憲性作出裁決之前,它無法生效。
愛達荷州:愛達荷州州長佈拉德·利特爾本月簽署了一項法案,規定未經父母或監護人許可幫助未成年人跨州墮胎是違法的。 違法者將面臨兩到五年的監禁。 共和黨領導的州目前正在實施幾乎全面的墮胎禁令,但強姦、亂倫或母親的生命除外。
共和黨領導的立法機構通過了一項法案,試圖推翻 1999 年州最高法院的一項裁決,該裁決認定州憲法保護墮胎權。 該裁決阻止了保守州的立法者將墮胎限制在目前的 24 週限制之外。 該法案等待共和黨州長 Greg Gianforte 的簽署。
全體立法機關還通過了一項法案,通過禁止普通外科手術以禁止大多數妊娠中期之墮胎。 如果由州長簽署,它將立即生效。 Planned Parenthood 已提起訴訟以阻止該措施。
內布拉斯加州:內布拉斯加州擁有 50 個席位的一院制立法機構的立法者準備在本週對六週的墮胎禁令進行第二次投票,有可能將該法案推進到第三輪辯論。 雖然支持者表示他們以微弱多數支持該法案繼續審議,但一名成員提議修改它以允許墮胎延長至 12 週。 墮胎目前在該州於達 22 周前是合法的。
北卡羅來納州:眾議院共和黨人提出了一項法案,禁止受孕墮胎,除非是為了保護母親的生命或健康。 墮胎目前在 20 週內是合法的。 如果它通過立法機關,該法案可能會被民主黨州長否決,並且需要民主黨立法者的支持才能推翻否決權。
北達科他州:北達科他州州長 Doug Burgum 週一簽署了一項法案,禁止墮胎,除非母親的生命或健康受到嚴重威脅。 立即生效的法律也為強姦和亂倫受害者規定了例外情況,但僅限於懷孕的前六週。
共和黨領導的眾議院正在考慮參議院通過的限期六週的墮胎禁令,儘管州最高法院最近以 3對2 的投票否決了限期六週的墮胎禁令。
在獲得眾議院批准後,參議院於週四對幾乎全面禁止墮胎進行了討論。 在五名女參議員認為該法案過於嚴厲進行了為期兩天的阻撓之後,眾議院投票決定將該法案推遲到 2024 年 1 月的下一屆立法會議。
猶他州:共和黨州長斯賓塞考克斯 3 月簽署了禁止墮胎診所許可的立法,墮胎權利倡導者說這將有效地消除該州的墮胎之取得。 猶他州目前禁止 18 週後墮胎。
懷俄明州:共和黨領導的州立法機構在 3 月通過了一項法案,禁止使用或處方流產藥物,共和黨州長馬克戈登將其簽署為法律。 它將於 7 月 1 日生效。墮胎目前直到大約 24 週可行前是合法的,而州法院正在審查對幾乎完全「觸發」禁令的質疑,該禁令在 Roe v. Wade 被推翻時生效。
密西根州:民主黨州長格雷琴·惠特默本月簽署了一項立法,廢除了 1931 年將墮胎定為犯罪的法案。
伊利諾州:民主黨州長 J.B. Pritzker 一月份簽署了一項法律,保護墮胎提供者和州外患者免受其他州發起的法律攻擊。
明尼蘇達州:民主黨州長蒂姆·沃爾茲 (Tim Walz) 於 1 月簽署了由明尼蘇達州立法機構新的民主黨多數派通過的立法,該立法將墮胎權以及避孕和生育治療權編入州法律。 民主黨領導的眾議院通過了一項法案,以保護墮胎提供者和患者免受其他州的法律攻擊,參議院正在考慮該法案。
俄亥俄州:墮胎權支持者正試圖收集足夠的簽名,以便在 2023 年 11 月的投票中提出一項憲法修正案,以維護墮胎權。 墮胎目前在 22 週內是合法的。
(華盛頓的 Gabriella Borter 和加利福尼亞州薩克拉門託的 Sharon Bernstein 報導;Colleen Jenkins、Matthew Lewis、Aurora Ellis 和 Jonathan Oatis 編輯)
路透社健康資訊 © 2023
US State Abortion Legislation to Watch in 2023
April 28, 2023 / Reuters Health Information
(Reuters) – State legislatures are wrestling with how much to restrict or expand abortion access after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year.
Here is a snapshot of pending and passed legislation seeking to restrict or protect access in 2023, including details on a law that took effect in North Dakota this week broadly banning abortion.
FLORIDA: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a six-week abortion ban this month, which includes exceptions for rape, incest, human trafficking and the life and health of the mother. It cannot take effect until the state Supreme Court rules on the constitutionality of the 15-week ban that is currently in place.
IDAHO: Idaho Governor Brad Little signed a bill this month that makes it illegal to help a minor cross state lines to get an abortion without the permission of a parent or guardian. Offenders would face two to five years in prison. The Republican-led state is currently enforcing a near-total abortion ban, with exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the mother.
The Republican-led legislature has passed a bill seeking to overturn a 1999 state Supreme Court ruling that found that the state constitution protected a right to abortion. That ruling has prevented lawmakers in the conservative state from restricting abortion further than the current 24-week limit. The bill awaits Republican Governor Greg Gianforte’s signature.
The full legislature has also passed a bill that would ban most second trimester abortions by prohibiting a common surgical procedure. If signed by the governor, it would take effect immediately. Planned Parenthood has sued to block the measure.
NEBRASKA: Lawmakers in Nebraska’s 50-seat unicameral legislature are poised to take a second vote on a six-week abortion ban this week, potentially advancing the bill to a third round of debate. While supporters say they have a slim majority to allow the bill to move forward for consideration, one member has proposed amending it to allow abortions up to 12 weeks. Abortion is currently legal in the state up to 22 weeks.
NORTH CAROLINA: House Republicans have introduced a bill to ban abortion from conception, except to preserve the life or health of the mother. Abortion is currently legal up to 20 weeks. If it passes the legislature, the bill would likely be vetoed by the Democratic governor and would need Democratic lawmakers’ backing to override the veto.
NORTH DAKOTA: North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum on Monday signed a bill that bans abortion with exceptions for cases where the mother’s life or health are at serious risk. The law, which took immediate effect, also makes exceptions for rape and incest victims, but only during the first six weeks of pregnancy.
The measure passed despite the state Supreme Court’s decision last month not to revive a previous version of the near-total ban, after finding that the state constitution protects abortion rights in some cases.
The Republican-led House of Representatives is considering a six-week abortion ban that the Senate has passed, despite the fact that the state Supreme Court recently struck down a six-week abortion ban in a 3-2 vote.
The Senate tabled discussion of a near-total abortion ban on Thursday after it had been approved by the House. The chamber voted to delay considering the bill until the next legislative session in January 2024, after a two-day filibuster by the five women senators who felt it was too severe.
TEXAS: While abortion is completely banned with very limited exceptions in Texas, Republican state representatives have introduced legislation that would compel internet providers to block websites that supply abortion pills or provide information on how to obtain an abortion.
UTAH: Republican Governor Spencer Cox in March signed legislation to prohibit the licensing of abortion clinics, which abortion rights advocates say would effectively eliminate access in the state. Abortion is currently banned after 18 weeks in Utah.
WYOMING: The Republican-led state legislature passed a bill in March banning the use or prescription of medication abortion pills, and Republican Governor Mark Gordon signed it into law. It is due to take effect July 1. Abortion is currently legal until viability, about 24 weeks, while a state court is reviewing a challenge to a near-total “trigger” ban, which was took effect when Roe v. Wade was overturned.
CALIFORNIA: A Democratic state senator has introduced a bill to protect doctors who prescribe medication abortion pills to patients in other states.
MICHIGAN: Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed legislation this month repealing a 1931 bill that criminalized abortion.
ILLINOIS: Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker in January signed a law protecting abortion providers and out-of-state patients from legal attacks waged by other states.
MINNESOTA: Democratic Governor Tim Walz in January signed legislation passed by the Minnesota legislature’s new Democratic majority that codifies abortion rights in state law, as well as a right to contraception and fertility treatment. The Democratic-led House passed a bill to shield abortion providers and patients from other states’ legal attacks, and the Senate is considering it.
OHIO: Abortion rights supporters are trying to collect enough signatures to put a constitutional amendment on the November 2023 ballot that would assert a right to abortion. Abortion is currently legal up to 22 weeks.
(Reporting by Gabriella Borter in Washington and Sharon Bernstein in Sacramento, California; Editing by Colleen Jenkins, Matthew Lewis, Aurora Ellis and Jonathan Oatis)
Reuters Health Information © 2023